
Personality is what makes us unique. Personality is a combination of hard- coded elements, temper, traits, and lived life. It guides us when wa rea aware and when we are not aware. If you want to get a better grip for yourself and study self- leadership, you should understand and know more about your own personality and how it works. IM Global is having a pragmatic leadership model, where we always perceive individuals as well as organizations thru personality and culture

Jump in for the adventurous journey about personalities, who we are and how do we function. 

IM Global offers introductory trainings and coaching sessions where you and your organization can reflect the real world and behavior in it and finally take the full benefit and become as a functional team.

Personality is a combination of emotions, thoughts  and behavior which is natural for each individual and rather steady during different stages of life (Metsäpelto & Feldt